I write Today from the window seat in my new office. Not quite my window seat on Green St in Dingle but still it offers me a space to write and build my new intuitive healing practice. I’ll save the details of that for another day.
Today is about my memoir, The First Signs of April. I guess I have to admit that I sort of dropped the ball on getting the promotion and marketing for its September 5th publication date set up, and leaving it in the hands of someone else hasn’t turned out quite as I had hoped so here it is, exactly three weeks away. I’m still a bit numb in response to even just those words. It is so incredibly exciting to have brought this piece of work to this place. I am blessed by the response it is already getting and I know because it has touched even just one person it was worth every minute of these last many years.
At the same time I have to admit I’m a bit anxious about promoting it on so many levels. Hard to allow myself to be so exposed. So vulnerable. I thought it was difficult to do in the writing of it and never expected to feel it in this stage of the journey.
Yet isn’t that what the book is all about? Finding my voice, standing in my own power and allowing myself to be seen, to heal? To share myself in this way and maybe touching the heart and soul of another needing to do the same?
So, today I will begin this next part of my journey and start promoting my book. Please keep checking here or on my Mary-Elizabeth Briscoe, Author page on Facebook for updates. Book launch and signing event dates and times will be posted as they are scheduled. I would love to see you at one.
As always, thank you for making time to spend here with me.