Yesterday I shared pictures from my walk into the woods to be with the trees. The post showed my enthusiasm to be out and among the trees. Normally I’d leave it at that and engage with all of the comments from friends following my journey. But this time I thought […]
As I write this I find myself once again surrounded by boxes holding bits and pieces of my life while I ready myself for what is next Seems a pattern of leaps of faith that I actually do not enjoy. In fact, I prefer the security of solid ground beneath […]
To say I have been reluctant to write about this would be a gross understatement. Kicking and screaming for months to land here is a more fitting description. Apparently, I can only ignore the nudges from spirit, god, the universe, or whatever you call it to write my truths for […]
It’s two years today since my father died. The sting of his absence more intensely felt as another Christmas comes without him. He pretended to be a humbug as he’d call himself, only putting one ornament onto the tree, claiming “Bah Humbug” at every chance he got, but he loved […]
As we continue through this holiday season many of us are feeling the ache of missing someone no longer with us. Some are without beloved pets, some without family or friends, some without good health and some are losing jobs. There are as I have and will write so many […]
December already. The cold breeze that touches my cheeks as I walk Seamus, Fergus gone now, is like a knife to my very core. An opening of the memories stored there from this very time one year ago, two, even three years ago now. On Christmas Eve 2018 my father […]
They say the universe sends us signs as a way to keep us on our soul’s path in this life. If we miss or worse ignore these signs, then the universe will gently nudge you back on the path and if that isn’t enough a full-on shove will hopefully do […]
It’s been a few weeks since I ended my series on grieving. One good thing about writing that series is that it not only helped me in my grieving but too it demanded I show up for my writing. The last few years took my time, energy, and interest elsewhere, […]
As I come to this last in my series on grieving I feel a twinge of sadness. A loss in its own right I suppose. I have come to you over the last eight weeks with some of my thoughts on grief, love, healing. I have shared some of my […]